Thursday, March 10, 2016

Points to Consider for Presentation

Some points I would consider to keep my audience engaged during the presentation:

make eye contact
sound excited
give examples
dont read off slides
be funny

10 slides
20 minutes
30 point font

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Software Approach, Top Down Design

One way of coding is to simply have a rough idea of  what you want to do and then start typing a way to produce one huge source file. 

This is a very bad idea.

The resulting code is likely to have many issues with it that include
  • Poorly documented code, so very hard to maintain and update 
  • "Spaghetti code" which means a tangled mess of jumps and loops all over the code, very hard for someone to understand. Even by the original coder a few days later. 
  • Duplication of code, so wasting memory and running speed 
  • Very hard to develop by more than one person as there is only one file
  • Very hard to debug - the file either works or it doesn't

Systems Thinking

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "system"? What is a system? How does it work?

When I hear "system", I think of a group of objects working together to accomplish a task. A system is a way of doing something that was made to be the fastest and most efficient.