Thursday, April 14, 2016

Architecture Diagram Explanation

Input Devices:
1. Graphics Tablets
2. Cameras
3. Barcode Reader
4. Keyboard
5. Trackpad
6. Microphone
7. Mouse
8. Scanner

Output Devices:
1. Monitor
2. Printers
3. Projectors
4. Speakers

Both Input & Output Devices:
1. Network Cards
2. Touch Screen
3. USB
4. Headsets
5. FAX

Ask student for name, scores
Save the name & scores
Add scores
Save scores in sum
Calculate average
save average
print name, scores, average

Name 99, 93, 92

this is all stored in Random Access Memory (RAM)
RAM is a volatile memory - when the power is off, everything that is stored in RAM is erased (temporary memory)

Central Processing Unit
Control Unit and ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
ALU - arithmetic operations and evaluates logical statements
Control Unit - sees through the execution line by line statements of the program (resource management)

Computer Architecture Diagram

Fundamentals of Computer Architecture

Only thing it responds to is an electrical pulse or no electrical pulse
2 states it responds too, so we use a binary system
Combination of 8 bits is called a byte (megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, etc...)
byte is a unit of memory
every symbol on a keyboard is called a character
each character is represented by a combination of bits
A - 01010011
entire code translation
takes a source code, points out any errors, and when the entire code is correct, it converts the source code into a machine language/binary code/binary language/object code
line by line translation

source code --> compiler/interpreter --> object code
java, c++, etc...                                         01010011010

operating system is a system's program that helps us to work with all the resources of the machine
application software - third party apps that have a specific purpose

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Points to Consider for Presentation

Some points I would consider to keep my audience engaged during the presentation:

make eye contact
sound excited
give examples
dont read off slides
be funny

10 slides
20 minutes
30 point font

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Software Approach, Top Down Design

One way of coding is to simply have a rough idea of  what you want to do and then start typing a way to produce one huge source file. 

This is a very bad idea.

The resulting code is likely to have many issues with it that include
  • Poorly documented code, so very hard to maintain and update 
  • "Spaghetti code" which means a tangled mess of jumps and loops all over the code, very hard for someone to understand. Even by the original coder a few days later. 
  • Duplication of code, so wasting memory and running speed 
  • Very hard to develop by more than one person as there is only one file
  • Very hard to debug - the file either works or it doesn't

Systems Thinking

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "system"? What is a system? How does it work?

When I hear "system", I think of a group of objects working together to accomplish a task. A system is a way of doing something that was made to be the fastest and most efficient. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Name Card - Mission Reflection

1. Empathize - gather ideas and choose 5 best ones
   Define - establish a theme for name card and list possible challenges
   Ideate - make rough sketch of name card and get feedback
   Prototype/Test - make a prototype, get more feedback, and create final version of name card

2. I learned that it takes a long time even to make a simple thing like a name card, and I must frequently gather feedback in order to make my product the best it could possibly be.

3. I contributed towards disruptive innovation because by creating a product while receiving an extremely large amount of feedback after each step of the process, I created a product that is exactly what people want

Name Card - Prototype/Test


Radhika - Sushi is better than last time
ping pong paddle is cool
she likes it

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Name Card - Define

Theme: Guitar

Challenge: none

Name Card – Empathize

I am making a name card for
My name card will have my information.

TV show
Flavor Ice Cream
Pizza topping
Where were you born
Sports team

TV show

SDLC and Design Thinking Process

Software Development Life Cycle
functions and operation with the objective in mind. It is the process of gathering user requirements, diagnosing problems and recommending improvements to the future system.

A series of steps followed by the developer are:
1. Gathering facts: End user requirements are obtained through documentation, client interviews, observation, and questionnaires - asking what the user is currently doing and if there are any specific improvements they want or prefer.
2. Scrutiny of the existing system: Identify pros and cons of the current system in-place, so as to carry forward the pros and avoid the cons in the new system.
3. Analyzing the proposed system: Solutions to the shortcomings in step two are found and any specific  user proposals are used to prepare the specifications.
System design: Describes desired features and operations in detail, including screen layouts, rules, guidelines, process (data flow and entity relation) diagrams, pseudocode and other documentation,
Development: The real code is written here.
Integration and testing: Brings all the modules (pieces) together into a special testing environment, then checks for errors, bugs and interoperability.
Maintenance: During the maintenance stage of the SDLC, the system is assessed to ensure it does not become obsolete. This is also where updates are made to the initial software. It involves continuous evaluation of the system in terms of its performance and completing the change requests based on the feedback.

Empathize: Work to fully understand the experience of the user for whom you are designing. Do this through observation, interaction, and immersing yourself in their experiences.
Define: Process and synthesize the findings from your empathy work in order to form a user point of view that you will address with your design.
Ideate: Explore a wide variety of possible solutions through generating a large quantity of diverse possible solutions, allowing you to step beyond the obvious and explore a range of ideas.
Prototype: Transform your ideas into a physical form so that you can experience and interact with them and, in the process, learn and develop more empathy.
Test: Try out high-resolution products and use observations and feedback to refine prototypes, learn more about the user, and refine your original point of view.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Analysis – empathize on behalf of the user

Ways to empathize with the user and think on their behalf.

  • Ask your friends and figure out what kind of product they would like the most 
  • Research other products similar to yours and make yours better

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What are the things that help me remember someone's name?

I remember their face with their name
What is computer science:
Computer science is how technology works.

What do I know:
I know a little bit of python.

What I expect to learn:
I expect to learn how machines such as computers work.