Thursday, February 25, 2016

Name Card - Mission Reflection

1. Empathize - gather ideas and choose 5 best ones
   Define - establish a theme for name card and list possible challenges
   Ideate - make rough sketch of name card and get feedback
   Prototype/Test - make a prototype, get more feedback, and create final version of name card

2. I learned that it takes a long time even to make a simple thing like a name card, and I must frequently gather feedback in order to make my product the best it could possibly be.

3. I contributed towards disruptive innovation because by creating a product while receiving an extremely large amount of feedback after each step of the process, I created a product that is exactly what people want

Name Card - Prototype/Test


Radhika - Sushi is better than last time
ping pong paddle is cool
she likes it

Thursday, February 4, 2016